Master of kung fu and qigong, professional wushu sanda, kickboxing, K-1, fifth-generation keeper of the baguazhang style traditions, doctor of philosophy. Repeatedly trained in China under the guidance of Master Di Guoyong. Trained and certified at the Wudang Academy of Martial Arts in China. Holds an internationally certified referee category. He is a specialist in massage and rehabilitation, as well as a nutrition consultant. He also works in functional training, stretching, crossfit and personal trainings. She is the author of the unique Kungfu CrossFit method.
He has two higher educations. He graduated from the Belarusian National Technical University (Belarus National Technical University), faculty of economics and management, as well as Belarusian State University of Physical Culture and Sport, faculty of training as a trainer at ushu. He started his coaching experience in 1997. Today, his coaching experience is more than 25 years.
“Only serious training can allow us to rise above our fears, weaknesses and ailments! No words or wishes can replace practicing this incredible art of WUSHU.”
I have been interested in history and martial arts since childhood. My first Wushu books were read many, many times. I deeply felt the postulates of Chinese martial art Wushu and Japanese karate, and with all my heart I wanted to feel what it meant to be in front of the Master, the martial art teacher. And I have read “Wude”, a philosophic category of the martial art morals, and it has practically become a desk book. I learned the first techniques from literature, which at that time was very small. I was gathering information very carefully.
It should be noted that I was a very sickly child. Frequent colds were accompanied by constant exacerbations, up to pneumonia. For several years I was completely released from physical training. It was worsened by the fact, that I went to school at the age of 6 and was the youngest in the class. All the guys were older and almost all were bigger, heavier and taller.
And here I want to say a huge thank you to my father, who taught me just two wrestling techniques before school. It was thanks to them I was able to defeat much stronger guys. But still, it’s very difficult to be the smallest in the class, and also constantly sickl.
Probably this was the main reason for my interest in martial arts, because I wanted to get stronger and improve my health. That’s why I spent a lot of time looking for and reading books about martial arts and philosophy. So I read a lot of books, not only for martial arts, but also to improve my health.

Very strong impression was made by stories about Masters, who in an old age had good health, strength and excellent technique.
So, as soon as the hand-to-hand fighting section opened at school, I began training immediately. Once again I want to thank my parents, who in spite of frequent illness, allowed me to participate in the sports section. So began acquaintance with the world of martial arts. Not always everything was going smoothly, but I could clearly see a tendency to strengthen my body and improve health little by little.
In the process of formation I practiced at that time common karate. Then came the time of kickboxing, muaythai, taekwondo. I went to judo class. But I was always most interested in WUSHU techniques. I practiced different systems, studied some from literature and some I met at different seminars. For a long time I was studying the techniques of Vietnam Hungar, I was interested in the systems of hand-to-hand and knife fighting.

The information about the inheritor of styles, the people who had been chosen to preserve, protect, and transmit the great knowledge accumulated over the centuries by the Great Masters of the past and the present, was especially awe-inspiring. Only in books could one read how important and difficult it was to undergo the ritual of initiation into the school’s inner chambers. Only a few can be honored with such an honor and be initiated into the world of Wulin – the world of martial arts.
In the process of becoming and studying various martial arts systems, I was constantly interested in the traditional martial art style of Baguazhan. I went to the seminars conducted by various Masters in Russia. However with the real art it was possible to get acquainted only due to acquaintance with Master Di Guyun, one of the most famous Masters of the present, the keeper of style in 4 generation.

Hard training and study of the theory of baguazhang took the main place in the training process. And in 2014 in China, in the presence of more than 20 Masters of martial arts, among which were those whose names have already become legends, I was consecrated guardians of the style of baguazhang in the 5th generation. Thus, entering the world of Wulin, the world of martial arts.
In 2016 I successfully passed the certification in the Wudang Academy of Martial Arts as a professional coach in wushu sanda and received the international judicial category.
Today I continue to train in wushu sanda, the direction of martial arts such as kickboxing, K-1, as well as studying and teaching the traditions of styles Baguazhang and Xinyuquan.
I know one thing – only training can change Us!