Can you easily perform FROM NOVICE TO PRO: 6 PACK ABS. STEP 1-3?
If your answer is YES! Congratulations, you’re not a novice anymore.
And now with just 7 ab exercises and some room on the floor of your living room you can continue to sculpt six pack abs with this one ab workout.
You start with the lower abs exercises. Next – regular and side plank movements to increase our overall core strength and to work your obliques, movements that move both the legs and the shoulders off the floor. And at the end the exercises that work the obliques and the upper abs.
If you need any additional time to rest, you may simply press pause and resume once your muscles have had a chance to briefly recover and you feel you are ready to move on.
Only if you find that you can easily perform this ab workout, you can move on to the next one.
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